StoryBird Story

Have you ever heard of an app were you can write anything you want and have any pictures
you want?  Well storybird has it. Our class went on our iPads and went to .
In storybird you have to drag the pictures on the sides and pull on the page the way you want it
and you can write right next to it like a real book. I thought it was a really good app because I would really have to write about what I wanted and I would not even have to worry about the pictures because they are already there. It was really fun to use because if the words were there and you would have to make the pictures it would be very very difficult and really really hard. It was also a good app because you can write whatever you want to write about. I think you are asking how you find pictures, right? Well, you would have look up on your device and it says search and press that button and search what ever you want to write about. And before aaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of that you have to sign in and you have to press a button that says “sign in” and do not forget your password and your username because it might make you sign in again! So do not forget your password and your username and then you can dive into your imagination. When you think you are done press the button that says save and exit but do NOT! press I am done publish my book because you have not revised your writing piece because what if you put yours on your blog like me and it is not correct so take your time to re-read your writing. At the very end of the book you can make an AUTHOR’S NOTE and you can write where you live and what your most favorite food is and what your most favorite food is and what your most favorite drink. At the very top if you have space you can write AUTHORS NOTE.

My story is about three pandas that have tons of amazing adventures and they have some terrible disasterous adventures. I hope all of you will like my story at the storybird theater. “Please silence your cell phones and no picture photo taking at “Caleb Diego and Lukas” the newest book! Now you may click the button to read my story.


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